Autor: @bptraveller
First pictures of Paris, France
Paris, France. The city of love art and culture. One of the greenest cities in Europe. Eiffel tower, La Défense, The Louvre, Notre Dame Catherdral’s, The Sorbonne, Latin Quarter and Moulin Rouge are few of the touristic sight that you cannot forget to visit if you are planning to go to Paris. We consider that…
Collioure, small town on the south of France
Collioure. Collioure is small town on the south of France, on the region Languedoc-Roussillon. Probably the most beautiful town of this region. An ancient terraced vines give a wonderful panoramic views. We suggest visiting this small town on Sunday, like this it’ll be easy to enjoy the traditional market. There you can taste all kind of…
Girl and the world, a solo female travel blog
Friend’s blog. Today I want to introduce the blog of ‘Girl and the World’. This is an excellent ‘a solo female travel blog’. She published her last post talking about the best meals that she ate on 2011 during her trips and experiences at the South East Asia. Also you can check her Facebook page 😉…
Lucky tourist was feeling the experience surrounded of wild gorillas at Uganda
Uganda, surrounded of wild gorillas. There are few reasons why we would like to visit Uganda. But, after watching this video, after watching the amazing experience that this man had visiting wild gorillas at Uganda we want to feel that kind of experiences, simply unreal. [brightcove vid=1344786758001&exp3=28066806001&surl=,AAAAAHElSxs~,m-RjSny18hDeKSaEWdJWHV3zyrQPcRUB&w=400&h=300]
Traffic in Frenetic Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Amazing up and coming video at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. [vimeo]