First pictures of Paris, France

Paris, France. The city of love art and culture. One of the greenest cities in Europe.

Eiffel tower, La Défense, The Louvre, Notre Dame Catherdral’s, The Sorbonne, Latin Quarter and Moulin Rouge are few of the touristic sight that you cannot forget to visit if you are planning to go to Paris.

We consider that it’s a good idea to buy the tickets to the touristic places that you are 100% sure that you’re going to visit before your trip, like this you’ll not lose time doing lines. Especially, if you’re going to Eiffel tower and also if you want to buy the Moulin Rouge tickets.

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2 respuestas a «First pictures of Paris, France»

  1. Great photo often make a most valid point. this is what photography is all about, nice captured, and enjoy your travel.

    1. Thanks Airsquadron! I agree thinking about your point of view of photography 🙂 . During this trip I became a fan of trying to get a different point taking a picture.

      Greetings from Barcelona 😉

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