Riad in Marrakech

Here you have few pictures of the Riad which we spent our last night in the trip.
With this pictures you can see easily the contrast of this country.
Hope you’ll enjoy it

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5 respuestas a «Riad in Marrakech»

  1. Hey! I’ve just been to Marrakech a few months ago, and I happen to know a really cool company for adventure sports, like canyoning, rafting, tubing, etc. It’s a lot of fun and they’re really good 😀 if you are interested, it’s called Splash, and the website’s http://www.moroccoadventuretours.com/

  2. I have never been to Marrakech in my life…So visiting Riad is still i have to achieve…the pic of author’s visit to Riad are really the fantastic ones..Thanks for sharing..

  3. Renata: thanks for sharing the site. next time I’ll have a look before travel to Morocco 🙂 club villamar: We spent our last night in a Riad in Marrakech in the middle of the «medina». It’s amazing experience. The contrast of the street live and then inside a Riad… Something that I really recommend to do it! sorry for the pictures, I did it with my mobile phone 🙂

  4. Love the pictures, I love archetecture and culture of that area. I lived in a few middle eastern countries and love seeing the similarities and differences in the cultures of those countries. Fantasy Art

  5. thanks Armada. This pictures I took with my mobile phone. I’ll post more pictures soon 🙂 hope u’ll like it!

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